Monthly Highlights
M+ receives world's best collection of Chinese contemporary art
M+ Yau Ma TeiA donation by the world’s leading collector of Chinese contemporary art, Dr Uli Sigg, would help WKCD establish itself as a world-class cultural district.
On “learning” and “becoming” a curator
Sunnie Chan
Yuen Lup-funSunnie Chan, who participated in the Learning programme of M+, shared her fruitful journey in an extended internship in WKCDA
Taking Art : Ma Fung-kwok
Lee Chack-fanSeasoned movie producer and distributor Ma Fung-kwok is a member of the board, performing arts and museum committees of the WKCDA. He has a lot of insights to share when it comes to promoting HK’s cultural visions.
Look Out for
M+ Yau Ma Tei
Lars Nittve named curator of Venice Biennale 2013