Consultation Panel - Meetings
Agenda, papers and minutes
The 2nd Meeting of the Consultation Panel of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority
Agenda (PDF)
Updated Proposed Arrangements for the Stage 1 Public Engagement Exercise (WKCDA CP/05/2009) (PDF)
Annex I
The information in Annex I to the paper has become obsolete. Please refer to the list below:
List of Stakeholder Groups of the Stage 1 Public Engagement Exercise
Annex II (PDF)
Annex III
The information in Annex III to the paper has become obsolete. Please refer to the list below:
Questions for Focus Group Meetings of the Stage 1 Public Engagement
Annex IV
The information in Annex IV to the paper has become obsolete. Please refer to the list below:
Event Calendar of the Stage 1 Public Engagement Exercise
Minutes (PDF)
The 2nd Meeting of the Consultation Panel of the West Kowloon Cultural District Authority (Agenda)