
Coleman Wai: multi-pronged approach needed to build audiences

exhibitionHe may appear to be very serious behind his spectacles, but Coleman Wai becomes very animated when he talks about arts education. As with any projects, he believes there is always room for improvement in WKCD during the development process. Structure is more important than design - whether it is software or hardware, the Authority should remain receptive to different views to ensure constant improvement and the best possible outcome.

As an experienced arts administrator and design educator, Coleman fully appreciates the effects education could have on the long-term development of the WKCD. He believes the WKCD should eventually take on more than what is currently being done within the education system. For example, it could bring people from different backgrounds together, including children, the elderly and retirees – all of whom should be educated in arts appreciation through various forms of instruction, and then cultivated as potential audiences.

As a member of the Consultation Panel, Mr. Wai hopes to learn more about its structure to foster a more conducive environment for communication among the WKCDA, the arts community and the public. He believes two-way communication is the key to consultation process, and hopes to contribute to the long-term manpower development of the WKCD. Although the conceptual plan for the West Kowloon project has been selected, he reckons manpower training and arts development must be conducted in stages to align with different phases of the project.

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