Consultation Panel - Declaration of Interests (Non-Board Members)

Professor John LEONG Chi-yan, SBS, OBE, JP (Chairman)
Mr CHENG Chi Ming
Mr HUNG Chiu Wah, Derek
Dr HUNG Keung
Ms KO Po Ling, BBS, MH, JP
Mr KWAN Pak Hoo, Bankee
Ms LAM Choi Chu Ida
Mr LAM Ying Kit
Mr LEUNG Wing Cheung, William, BBS, JP
Dr MAN Ying Ling
The Honourable Charles Peter MOK
Mr TAI Hay Lap, BBS, JP
The Honourable TSE Wai Chun Paul, JP
Dr TSE Wing Ling John, MH
Mr Coleman WAI Ching
Ms WONG Ying Kay Ada, JP
Dr YAU Wing Kwong, JP

* The registers of the declaration of interests of Consultation Panel members are available at the WKCDA Office (29/F, Tower 6, The Gateway, 9 Canton Road, Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong) for inspection during office hours from Monday to Friday (except public holidays).

For the declaration of interests of the Consultation Panel members who are also Board members, please click here

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